Introduction: [blog 2006-02-29] Ads on Instructables

About: I help run Instructables
Instructables now has limited ads on project viewing pages (but not project editing pages). We've decided to take this step to help offset our rising server costs. This is actually a good thing -- lots more people are using the site and Instructables is fast becoming the best place on the web to document and show your projects.

We're committed to open-source hardware and promise to use the revenue from the ads to help us build a better system for you. If you enter your project with the intention that it will always remain free for others to see, comment on, and improve upon, we want you to know that it always will. You can get much of the current content through our RSS feeds, and as a way of demonstrating our commitment, we're working to make even more of the information within each project available through RSS.

There's also a ton of new features on the drawingboard, and we'll be bringing them to you as fast as we can.

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